Home Owners


1 Click to "Register" button on the top of the page.

Registration page will show up. Please fill in the required fields with your name, surname, password and email information and accept the policies.

You have got a new email. Please check your email and confirm the registration with the link inside the email came from us.

Now login to the system and go to "My Profile" page from the link on your "Name" at the top of the page.

Please upload a photo of your self from the left side of the page and fill the empty fields on the right side of the "My Profile" page.

The last step to become a home owner is to complete the account page. Please visit the account page from your dashboard and choose to payment type you prefer to receive the booking incomes from us.

It's almost done. Now you can start adding your properties to system.

hakan erenler


1 Click to "Add New" button on the top of the page.

2 You will be directed to a new listing page where you will find a new listing form with 6 steps. In the first step please give a name to your listing, type a short and a long description about your property, choose the lowest daily price, sales currency and add a short description about the area where your property is. Click "Save" button and continue to next step.

3 In 2nd step you have to choose the property type, capacity, number of rooms, cancellation policy and some other details. Please select and fill all the details and continue to next step.

4 This section has listing amenities and available facility and activities outside the property Please choose the ones suits to your listing.

5 In address page you have to choose the city, county and area information from select options, type the full address of the property and distance to sea, airport and city center. There is a map in this page where you can pin the exact location of your property. After selection the city, county and area information the map will be centered to your selection. Please zoom in to a detailed view and put the red pin to exact point of your property.

6 Next step is photo adding page. You can upload maximum 30 photos for each property. Please choose high quality, well lighted images. You can choose photos one by one or choose multiple files at once. After selecting the files please click to "Upload" button and wait until the process is completed. Don't forget to assign one of your images as a "Front Photo" as listing page image. Click save and continue.

7 Last step is the pricing and calendar page. Here you can give prices to your property by using date range selector. Choose a start and an end date and type the price. System will automatically update all the selected dates with given price. You can also give different prices to each day by clicking on the date from the calendar. At the bottom of the page there is an another pricing section where you can give prices to weekends between selected dates. Please remember that if you don't give price to a date, system will use the lowest price you have assigned in the first page for that date to avoid mistakes.

1 Its all done. After a short review on your listing our operators will activate it and visitors can see your property. Its time to get bookings.

hakan erenler


1 Well described, good presented listing with high quality real photos have more chance to get bookings.

After adding your listing please visit your dashboard. You can find calendars in your dashboard for your properties. With these calendars you can open or close your property to sale by choosing the dates or clicking on the dates. If a date is presented with red color, that means the date is closed for booking. If you receive bookings outside evoteli.com please select those booked dates from calendar and close it to sales to prevent double bookings. Please remember that if you cancel a booking you will get less requests in the future.

Visitors can contact you via our messaging system. These messages will be emailed you and also you can track them from your dashboard and reply them. Please reply the messages fast. Visitors may be interested in other listings and they may send messages to other owners too. Owners who reply fast gets more bookings.

If you get a booking, system will automatically inform you with email with all details of the booking. The reservation will be accepted by the time its completed so please contact us as soon as possible if there is a problem with reservation or you have to cancel it. If the payment is done for the booking you will get the visitor information via email. If the payment is not completed you will receive this email when our operators manually confirm the payment.

You can also view all these information from your Dashboard - My Reservations section after a successful login into system

24 hours after the check in time, we will transfer your payment to your account. Please check how it works and user policy pages for more details.

Welcome your visitors, give some info about your property, tell them about the neighborhood, rules and all necessary details about your property and ares so they can have a relaxed and nice holiday. Remind them to leave a review on evoteli.com after they complete their holiday.

hakan erenler
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