Holiday Makers


1 Click to "Register" button on the top of the page.

2 Registration page will show up. Please fill in the required fields with your name, surname, password and email information and accept the policies.

3 You have got a new email. Please check your email and confirm the registration with the link inside the email came from us.

4 Now login to the system and go to "My Profile" page from the link on your "Name" at the top of the page.

5 Please upload a photo of your self from the left side of the page and fill the empty fields on the right side of the "My Profile" page.

6 It's almost done. Now you have to visit the home page and start searching for your holiday house.

hakan erenler


1 After a successful login to system you can use the search module on the home page to search the area with check in and check out dates.

2 The result page will come up with the listings matching your search details. Listings which are not available during your selected dates will show a mark on the corner with text "Not Available".

3 You can find a new search section on the left side of the page. You can change the area, dates and capacity and refine your search results with a new search from this module.

4 Under the new search module you can find the filters. By using the filters you can specify more details to your search result. Choosing capacity, property type, number of rooms, amenities and facility activities, price range and area selections will refine your results. More filters means less listings so please keep the filters minimum to reach more results.

5 Listings will show you the property name, capacity, address and some other basic information about the listing. There is also a mini slider on the images which will show you 3 different images of the listing. If you are interested in the listing, simply click on the image or any text under the image and you will go to the listing details page.

6 If you choose check in and check out dates during the search process, the listings will show the total price of the property for selected date range. If no dates are selected during the search, the listings will come up with the price of the current day.

hakan erenler


1 You have found your dream holiday house. Now please check all the information and details listed on the property details page. Please have a look to property rules and cancellation policy and make sure they are ok for you. Now you can put your check in and check out dates on the Reservation module at the right top side of the page. If you have selected your dates during the search, the dates will automatically show up.

2 Please note that the total number of the visitors should not be more than the total capacity of the property. Please select number of Adult, Child and Baby from the form.

3 All ok now. You can see the price and commission fee, number of visitors are selected. You can continue to booking process now.

4 In the second step you will fill out the visitor information form. If you are not logged in to system or not registered, system will take you to login / signin pages. After login/signin to system you will see the page with listing details, price and information you have typed in the first page. The right side of the page has the form to complete with visitor information. The form will appear completed with your profile information so you don't need to type those again but if you are doing the booking for someone else, please type her/his information to visitor fields.

5 Last step is the payment page. You can choose one of the 3 payment method to complete your booking. Credit card payments are processed via Akbank Secure Payment system and you will be directed to Akbank payment page to complete payment. This means the payment process is not done by our system so we do not see your card information. You can choose Paypal payment to pay via your account on Paypal or with your credit card trough Paypal system. Or you can choose bank wire transfer to complete payment process.

6 Congrats. You have completed your booking. You will receive an email from us shortly with your booking voucher. After our agents confirmation for your payment and booking, you will receive all the contact information about the listing owner so you can contact him/her.

7 You had a great holiday! We need your help. Please log in to the system and visit the properties page you had your holiday in. Please leave your reviews at the bottom of the page. You can find the simple review system to add your review about the property. Please tell us good and bad things about the property and give us some information about how your stay was. It will be important to next visitors and also we will use your reviews to improve our system. Your review will send to property owner so they can fix the problems in their property if you mention in your review.

hakan erenler
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